Join the Largest Global Sales Platform for Quality Olive Oils
When we started developing this platform in 2017, it was practically impossible for consumers to find the world's best olive oils on the internet.
Only brands like Carrefour and other major retailers were referenced. Today, six years later, although the number of competitions has tripled and thousands of producers have won gold medals, it is still just as difficult for consumers to access the world's best olive oils.
Yet, 20,000 €, is the average amount a producer spends each year to promote their brand. Between the different competitions and their shipping costs, international fairs, and other marketing operations, this investment is rarely recouped.
Dear producers, as you can see, we have not simply gathered the world's best olive oils on www.bestoliveoils.store. We have deployed a comprehensive strategy that now provides a direct and intermediary-free link between you, the winning producers of the Dubai olive oil competition, and consumers worldwide.
Today, finally, the situation has changed. You, who are among the world's best olive oil producers, are now accessible to consumers worldwide with a single click.
By clicking on the "discover" button at the bottom of each bottle of your oil, these consumers can immerse themselves in your story and your information, thus allowing them to make their purchase with full knowledge.
And it's not just on the internet; they also have the opportunity to acquire your exceptional olive oil in our physical stores and at international fairs.
Over the years, we have accomplished great things to build the platform you see today. All of this has been done with one goal in mind: to create this direct link between you, the producers of the world's best olive oils, and consumers.
Here is a summary

Created one of the world's best olive oil competitions in the world's most luxurious place:
Who are the best olive oils in the world ?
That's the question that everyone is asking,
To ensure consumers have constant access to the world's best olive oils, we took the initiative to create the best olive oil competition in the world. By bringing together the most reputable juries, we assure consumers that only the world's best olive oils will be offered for sale.

For each winner, we have created posts and videos to share on their networks. And every year, we are committed to further improving the quality of these videos to better showcase their exceptional olive oils.


Presentation Page
So that consumers can have a precise idea of each producer, we have created more than 900 presentation pages. These pages are summaries of each producer's website, incorporating their stories, videos, and social networks. Then, we optimized these pages for Google ranking so that they appear on the first page.
Opend the Best Olive Oils Stores
Now that we have identified the world's best olive oils, our goal is to create 1,000 points of sale across the globe.
We want to make these olive oils directly accessible to consumers, whether through our own stores or sales points in other boutiques, palaces, and restaurants.
Making these olive oils quickly accessible is a real priority, as it will then allow us to properly develop online sales thanks to stocks directly available on-site.
Set up the largest E-commerce website for Premium Olive Oil
Online sales is no longer the future, it's the present.
Companies that have failed to make this transition are unfortunately in great difficulty, if not closing down. Online sales, with a minimal effort and investment, open access to hitherto unknown markets.
It allows producers to sell their products with the highest possible added value, while creating a direct relationship with their customers.
Ultra Premium EVOO
100/100 TO 90/100

Premium EVOO
89/100 TO 80/100

79/100 TO 70/100

Until now, olive oils were ranked based on their number of participations in various competitions.
For the first time, olive oils from all over the world are ranked according to their quality.
This finally allows consumers to know which are truly the best olive oils in the world.
Best Olive Oils By Country
Bestoliveoils.store was designed and developed specifically for consumers residing outside olive oil-producing countries, like New York, Dubai, Germany, etc.
For consumers who want access to the best olive oils from their own country, we have set up a dedicated website that gathers these exceptional products. But that's not all, this site also offers the possibility to explore oleotourism at the producers of their choice.
For producers, this site is a platform that allows them to stand out from other olive oils from their country, highlighting their exceptional quality.
National Competition

The Dubai Olive Oil Competition is an international competition, with the very specific goal of discovering and promoting the best olive oils in the world.
We are aware that there are thousands of olive oil producers who would like to participate in a competition and get an accurate evaluation of the quality of their oils.
That's why we decided to create a national competition in each olive oil-producing country, to determine the best local olive oils.
These national competitions will benefit from the same promotion as the one we carry out for the DubaiOOC, but the registration will be less expensive, thus allowing producers to participate with many more samples.
Moreover, we have decided for these national competitions to gather the best local juries so that they can best evaluate the olive oils from their country.
International fairs
Since 2017, we have been touring international fairs to meet producers in person, to understand their expectations and wishes.
This has given us the opportunity to know their stories, their practices and their products, thus allowing us to promote them in the best possible way.
Unfortunately, each fair hosts several hundred producers, each claiming to have the best olive oil. This common claim creates confusion for consumers and makes it difficult for producers to distinguish themselves from each other.
Best Olive Oils Store Stands
In order to bring together the best olive oils in the world in a single stand, we took the initiative to create our own space. This stand unifies the top producers worldwide, providing consumers with direct access to all the information they need.
Not only is it the best way to make contacts, be it with palaces and restaurants, but it also facilitates the development of franchises.
STEP 10:

Best Olive Oils Packaging

Owning an excellent olive oil is essential, but having this olive oil in a beautiful bottle is even more appreciated.
To value the producers who have taken care to design beautiful bottles, we decided to create a special "Olive Oil Gift" category on our website.
These exceptional bottles are intended for those who wish to offer a unique and refined gift, on par with a bottle of wine or perfume.
In order to identify and reference these exceptionally packaged olive oils, we created a specific competition: www.bestoliveoilspackaging.com
Each winner of this competition not only wins a medal, but also a marketing budget to promote their brand.
STEP 11:

Best Olive Oils Marketing
Sales do not exist without marketing, and we understand how difficult it can be for a company to recruit and put together a competent marketing team. The costs are often prohibitive and the skills required numerous.
In order to give all producers access to the best marketing strategies for their brands, we have created a dedicated website. This site allows them to implement all the marketing actions they wish, at the best possible rates.
STEP 12:
Central Purchase

Bottle sourcing is one of the most complicated aspects for producers.
Bottle suppliers, whether they sell large quantities of entry-level products or small quantities of higher-end products, do not seem to be really interested in the olive oil world.
By grouping all the producers' orders in a purchasing center, we can offer producers shorter deadlines, lower prices, and a much wider choice.
STEP 13:
Oleo Tourism

Since 2017, we have received countless requests from individuals, groups or company committees wishing to visit producers and spend a day learning more about the olive oil production process.
Oleo tourism is a rapidly expanding trend and more and more people are interested in this enriching experience. Having listed the best olive oil producers in the world, it seems logical to us to offer the possibility, via our website, to book visits at the producer of their choice.
STEP 14:
Developing social networks
Social networks are today the most effective way to make themselves well known to millions of people.
Today’s influencers are yesterday’s salespeople, with a video, a photo, or a publication, it instantly sparks interest in hundreds of thousands of people.

We partner with influencers who have the most interesting communities for our work (healthy food, organic, sport, culinary food)
Through simple publications and videos, we can bring hundreds of thousands of people interested in olive oils to our websites, so that they discover your presentation pages and buy your bottles.

Making Photo Shooting with models in a gourmet restaurant multiplies by 5 the number of interaction
STEP 15:
Star Chefs Dubai
The chefs of starred restaurants and palaces play a crucial role in promoting your brand and increasing your visibility on social media.
We managed to gather the top chefs from Dubai and incorporated them into our competition from the first edition.
Not to judge the olive oils, but to give us their enlightened opinion and especially to introduce them to olive oils they would never have had access to otherwise.
This allows producers to market their olive oils in the most prestigious places, thus valuing their work in an exceptional way.
STEP 16:

Best Olive Oils School
The majority of olive oil currently produced is sold in bulk, to be later bottled by large distribution chains.
However, the world of olive oil is fascinating, offering not only a passion to develop but also a multitude of professions and economic opportunities to explore.
We have assembled the best international experts in this field, many of whom are already involved in training numerous producers.
Therefore, the creation of the Best Olive Oil School is a natural progression of this momentum, providing producers with the opportunity to receive training in the best possible way.
STEP 17:
Open franchise best olive oils stores all over the world

The marketing of premium olive oils is at a real turning point. Many customers are looking for them, but they are very rarely available, and never in a direct and intermediary-free way.
We have received numerous requests from people wanting to open franchises. However, we had to wait until we had listed the maximum number of brands in order to be able to supply all the points of sale without running out of stock.
Now that this goal is achieved, our absolute priority is to open as many points of sale as possible in the most beautiful places in the world.