A name that pays tribute to the deep connection between the volcano, its fruits and its inhabitants, like Miriam and Salvo, two young people born on the slopes of Etna who decided to return to their land and plant their roots there. Aetnensis was born from their love for the volcano, whose paths and wonders they know, and from their desire to involve other young people in the area

DAGALA, DÀHALA OR DÂLA band of fertile land between two lava flows.
Dagala extra virgin olive oil is the product of the combination of an ancient agricultural tradition, recent technological innovations and a continuous search for quality and excellence. But it is Etna that makes the production of Aetnensis oil unique: the fertility of the volcanic soil, rich in trace elements and minerals, allows the olive trees to grow optimally without the use of chemical nutrients. The considerable thermal amplitude and the high altitude also favor the development of the aromatic components of an oil with very low acidity, unique to the eye, to the smell and to the taste.
Dagala extra virgin olive oil is the product of the combination of an ancient agricultural tradition, recent technological innovations and a continuous search for quality and excellence. But it is Etna that makes the production of Aetnensis oil unique: the fertility of the volcanic soil, rich in trace elements and minerals, allows the olive trees to grow at their best without the use of chemical nutrients. The considerable thermal amplitude and the high altitude also favor the exaltation of the aromatic components of an oil with very low acidity, unique to the eye, to the smell and to the taste.
