Our training school:
Best Olive Oil School is the training school of the company, Best Olive Oils Organic.
We support the marketing and training of more than 300 international brands.
We market in more than 52 countries.
Our role is to make the most of this previously neglected and marketed wealth, in bulk.
Olive oil is Green Gold and yet many people are unable to differentiate a good olive oil from a carcinogenic olive oil.
Many companies are making a lot of effort to find new markets and enhance exports as many companies are currently hiring all profiles capable of enhancing their products.
Concerning the final customer in the targeted markets, olive oil represents a maximum of 25% of the selling price of the bottle, everything else is part of the added value.
This involves the service:
Quality, administrative, marketing, translation, legal, banking, IT, social networks, commercial, SEO, printing, development, buying, media etc...
Your wish is to create a brand and gain new customers?
To find a job? Or simply to discover the wonderful world of Olive Oil?
We offer a wide range of services.
Commercial training

• Create and protect your brand
• Choice of bottle and design
• Website creation and marketing
• Target market choice and sales techniques
• How to participate in international competitions
• How to participate in international fairs
• How to get grants and subsidies
.• E-commerce training
Discover the world of high-end olive oil
650 €
3 Days
- Visit of a oleicole domain
- Theoretical training
- Practical training
Find a job in the olive oil sector
650 €
3 Days
- Visit of a oleicole domain
- Theoretical training
- Practical training
- Visit of a oleicole domain
- Theoretical training
- Practical training
- Commercial training
0033 7 49 45 46 24
73 allée Kleber 34000 Montpellier ( FRANCE)