Hakim Alileche
Oléiculteur Moulinier passionate about top quality
olive oil.

Dahbia is a brand of olive oil that comes from our
exclusively in organic culture since its plantation. We crush our
olives on the same day that they are harvested. Cold pressed only without any drop of water.
"If you don't feed the earth, it won't feed you." Hakim Alilèche has carried this motto for fifteen years. With the olive tree in his blood, Hakim left the printing business at age 32 to "inhabit the spaces" and "make the earth live." Hakim has made this conversion his challenge, as he "breathes" the earth.
Originally from the Ouadhias, in the wilaya of Tizi Ouzou, he always cultivated this dream of sowing and picking. Fifteen years after landing in Djelfa, Hakim discovered the secrets of olive groves and olive growing. His “Dahbia” oil even won the silver medal last July at the national competition for the best extra virgin olive oil “Apulée-2020”, a competition organized by Inraa (National Research Institute)