Gold Award - Enipeas
At Dubai Olive Oil Competition
Early Harvest Edition 2024
And Best Olive Oils Packaging
Ultra Premium Olive Oil
Explore the Timeless Excellence of Greek Olive Oil
Greece, steeped in sunlight and a rich tapestry of history, is renowned worldwide for its superb olive oils. These exquisite oils embody the wisdom of centuries, in a land where the olive tree stands as a living symbol of heritage and continuity.
In 2024, this Greek olive oil, known as Enipeas, was assessed by the most esteemed experts in the field, assembling an elite jury. With an impressive score ranging from 90 to 100 out of 100, this olive oil reaches the status of Ultra Premium Olive Oil. This distinction, marked by a gold medal, positions it among the world’s finest olive oils. Additionally, Enipeas has also been awarded a gold medal for its packaging at the Best Olive Oils Packaging competition, further cementing its status not only as one of the best olive oils in the world but also as one of the most beautifully presented.
Such an achievement isn't simply fortuitous but the fruit of relentless dedication to excellence and scrupulous care in every aspect, from selecting the finest olives to the art of pressing them. It is a pursuit driven by passion, patience, and precision.
Thanks to Best Olive Oils Store, this exceptional olive oil will soon be available in the most beautiful capitals of the world. You will find it in our stores and on our website. We invite you to continue your visit on this page to discover all the necessary information and fully enjoy the excellence of this olive oil.

enipeas evoo
A special gift from the land of Ancient Olympia

Enipeas is a river of the prefecture of Ilia, one of the large and main tributaries of the Alpheus River. It is located in the west of the prefecture and has many tributaries, streams and torrents. The springs of Enipeas stream out from the forest of Foloi at an altitude of 350 meters. The oak forest on the Foloi plateau is one of the rarest and unique for its loveliness in the Balkans, the mythical home of the Centaurs. Stories about elves and fairies, songs about forest nymphs and pagan festivals run through the history of the place from mythology to modern superstitions.
The Enipeas River stretches for 65km, until its mouth shortly after ancient Olympia where it meets Alpheus.
Along its route, it crosses the slopes of the mountains, calcareous, clayey dunes, deposits of silt and clay, soil elements of special scientific geological interest. It passes through the ‘holy places’ called so by euphemism, the fertile slopes and valleys, the orchards and the plots of land with vines and olive groves.
Its waters flow endlessly, just like the main occupation of the rural population with wine and olive oil, the knowledge of land cultivation that has been passed down from generation to generation.
At an altitude of 250m from the Ionian Sea, we found our little lot, the olive trees of the Koroneiki variety that we were bound to take care of in our turn. In the face of the global health crisis, our environmental sensitivity and love for pristine nature have become our responsibility and duty.
So as we are observing the effects of the climate crisis around us, we have chosen the principle of quality as the integral one, the compass for our course. We have chosen to oppose against conventional monoculture, industrial mass production which destroys aquifers and pollutes soils with agrochemical fertilizers, disintegrating the natural environment and finally resulting to undermine the very quality of olive oil and our diet itself.
The cultivation method for olive production could only be exclusively environmentally friendly.
Our olive trees are not irrigated as phenols are being reduced. In contrast, they are cultivated as dry and quench their thirst from the annual rainfall. Following the instructions offered by the consulting agronomist, the soil and foliar diagnostic analyses, we choose vegetable fertilization with legumes which they enhance fertility, improve soil structure, provide the necessary trace elements to nourish the olive and reduce problems with diseases and the parasites.
Pruning is not synchronized as usual for convenience with harvesting. The fruiting pruning is the second nourishment of the olive tree; it is carried out after winter, with moderate intensity allowing lighting and ventilation on the foliar surface of the tree, aiming to obtain the optimal production and quality of the fruit.
However, the care of olive tree cultivation goes hand in hand with crop rotation, the maintenance of native vegetation and the propagation of genetic material and biodiversity. We operate based on the principles of biodynamic, to take care of the fertility of the soil, to preserve a few citrus trees and a variety of herbs such as inula elenium – horsetail, taraxacum officinalis – chicory, lavenders and rose maries, enriching our soil but also creating in measure of possible a competing natural insect repellent for the olive fruit fly.
The Olympia variety
The native wild-olive tree of Olympia was discovered at the area of Gortinia – Arcadia
and alpine Olimpia-Ilia. The olive oil being produced from that specific variety is documented as the richest in beneficial phenols in the world and it contains one of the largest percentages in health-protective oleocanthal in comparison with other olive oils in the country. The variety of Nemoutiana or Horaitiki or as renamed the Olympia variety has ancient origins, given the fact that olive trees as old as 1500 years old have been found. It defines as the perfect olive oil for pharmaceutical purposes. Its savor is bitter and spicy.

Early Harvest
From our spring inflorescences we receive the first signs of our production. We neatly mow our field to keep it clean and we observe our olive fruits growing, hoping for the great cultivator (the weather) to be our ally. The early harvest takes place in late October at the stage of the ripening indicator, when the small fruits of the koroneiki variety are still green. Then, after the quality control of the grading, the fruits are being stacked in specified crates and transported at the same day.
Cold extraction
We select a certified oil press for the conduction of the oiling using an olive oil extraction system – with a 2 phase cold extraction (≤ 25 ℃) and malaxation time up to 30 mins. This process is of the greatest importance as it favours the highest concentrations of phenols and vitamin E. Phenols which are natural components of the olive oil are produced during the extraction and malaxation process of the olive fruit. The produced olive oil is a green natural juice with intense aromas which we then filter and store in inox tanks, at a low, stable temperature and in conditions of absolute absence of light and humidity. The cold extraction low acidity olive oils are easy to distinct from the uniqueness in smell, colour and flavour. Their antioxidant substances content including tocopherols (vitamin E), vitamin C, carotenoids and polyphenols is characteristic.
The annual statistical analysis in low acidity (0.1<0.2), the low indicators of Ks and the high concentration in phenols grades our production in the Ultra premium evoo category, that of an extra virgin olive oil with health protective atributes (health claim).
The extra virgin olive oil that resulted from cold extraction is rich in monounsaturated fats and it’s a source of antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, K, E, all elements that shield our cardiovascular system. Well known for the capacity to protect from cancer, neurological conditions, diabetes, Alzheimer. It is that specific type of olive oil that proves its sublimity over other oily substances through scientific researches. These results justify our efforts, bringing to our table the “liquid gold”, the enipeas evoo bottle. It ravishes the senses, as it releases its intense aroma that emerges, and then it reveals its emerald green colour while offering its fruity and perfectly balanced bitter-spicy flavor as a delight to your palate and pharynx.
Enipeas known since the Homeric years was a most handsome river god. It was one of the devotional monikers given to the god Poseidon and it means noisy. According to Greek mythology Enipeas was a handsome young man desired by all the Olympian goddesses. There is an ancient myth that tells the story of Tyro, the daughter of Salmoneas, king of Ilida. Tyro was often visiting the shores of Enipeas wailing over the water for her unreciprocated love for him. But Poseidon that was in love with Tyro seized the opportunity and took the form of Enipeas and seduced her right there at the river shores. Later on Poseidon revealed his true identity and foretold her about the birth of her twins. According to another myth it was at the Enipeas canyon where Orpheus was devoured by the Maenads, and it’s been also told that the gorgeous Lito, mother of the goddess Artemis and the god Apollo, used to bathe there. Local regents up to these days picture Enipeas to be still washing his hair at the river shores.
Moreover, Lucian, a well known orator and satiric writer of the 2nd century A.D dedicated one of his dialogs to the legendary Enipeas.
Homer’s Odyssey -l- ( Hades, Nekyia)
l 230 This was the plan that appeared to my mind as the best and the wisest :
l 231 Drawing the keen-edged sword at my sinewy thigh from the scabbard.
l 232 Many together to drink of the dark red blood I allowed not.
l 233 Each one after the other in order approached it, and singly
l 234 Each declared her descent ; and to all I addressed me with questions.
l 235 Tyro first I beheld, of a stock right noble descended
l 236 Daughter she boasted herself of Salmoneus, glorious hero
l 237 Wife, as she said, of a son begotten by Aeolus, Cretheus.
l 238 Once of a river enamoured, the heaven-descended Enipeus
l 239 (He is the river the fairest by far on earth that is flowing)
l 240 Often she wandered along by Enipeus’ beautiful currents ;
l 241 Likened to whom did the Shaker of Earth, land-girding Poseidon,
l 242 Lay him adown by her side at the mouth of the eddying river.
l 243 Purple the wave stood round them, as solid and huge as a mountain.
l 244 Arching above and hiding the god and the earth-born woman.
l 245 Then did he, loosing the zone of the maid, shed slumber upon her.
l 246 Now so soon as Poseidon his amorous work had accomplished.
l 247 Tenderly clasping her hand he addressed her and greeted her kindly :
l248 Woman, be glad in my love ! When the year’s revolution is ended
l 249 Glorious children to bear will be thine for unfruitful is never
l 250 Couch of immortal. But see that thou carefully cherish and tend them.
l 251 Go to thy home, and be still, nor utter the name that I tell thee :
l 252 Lo, it is I that address thee, the King Earth-shaking Poseidon.’
l 253 These words uttered, he plunged in the depths of the billowing ocean.
Cold extraction
The olive tree is an integrant symbol that we meet throughout history. A symbol of knowledge and wisdom represented by the goddess Athena, a victory trophy used at the coronations in the ancient Olympic Games, a symbol of peace and fertility, prosperity and health. Since the prehistoric era the olive oil is connected with a healthy diet, body nourishment and also adornment. During the ancient times it has been featured in all aspects of private and social life. We can’t help mentioning that during the ancient Olympic Games the athletes used to anoint themselves with olive oil before their daily exercise, their practice and during the Games. That practice reinforced the muscle stimulation protected them from the cold and dehydration. The aryvallus filled with olive oil was the essential complement jar of the athletes. To
Health and Gastronomy: The extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) in the Mediterranean diet
remove the sand and dust from their oily bodies they used a strigil.
Special Blend Koroneiki and Olympia variety

The river-god Enipeas traverses the olive fields and provides us a special gift from the lands of ancient Olympia. Looking at the craftsmanship of the enipeas evoo bottle, you discover the green colour of our olive oil’s fresh, natural juice, rich in benefits provided by the polyphenols. The artistic design and the graphistic thoroughness, attributes the due tribute to the “liquid gold”. The sequences of the elegant lines surrounding the bottle depict the sierras and the perpetual flow of the river. The aesthetics and the organoleptic characteristics of the quality of our product both attest to the showcase of a luxury product. The idea for the architecture of the cork derives straight from the Doric-style chapiter and it is made out of the olive tree wood. We have to mention that this kind of wood despite its uniqueness and beauty it takes special skill for its process. It is being painted by hand using a mixture of olive oil and natural bee wax with the intent to bring out the grains of the wood resulting in the uniqueness of each piece. For the detailed process of the cork pieces production we use a regular wood lathe. After we perforate the cork, we insert the pourer cap which enables us to regulate the effusion. The moment we open the bottle we can smell its special aroma overwhelming our senses with its fruity flavor and the selective balance between bitter and spicy.
The ultra premium consists of a special blend of local varieties. We paired the “queen” Koroneiki with the “ancient wisdom” of the Olympia variety. The higher percentage is that of the Koroneiki variety in order to preserve mainly the fruity flavor of the olive oil. It is being chosen not only for “pharmaceutical” uses, but also for gastronomy purposes by buyers with selective taste. It is a jewel to restaurants and deli stores. It is a creative contribution to the culinary alchemies by chefs and for every one of us that chooses quality in our every day nutrition.