Tenuta Manneli

Our Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the product of artisanal care, the result of ancient methods, the result of incessant attention to every plant and every twig. Like all living things, the olives we collect begin an absolutely natural decay process, which over time could compromise the quality of our oil. This is why we plan our harvest so to ensure that, from the moment each of our olives falls from its plant to the moment our oil is bottled, only a few hours pass. It is the best way to ensure that all the organoleptic properties, of taste and smell, are preserved without resorting to any chemical additive.
In every drop, centuries of oil tradition and a great love for the territory and its people, handed down from generation to generation. A value spread throughout the supply chain so that this tradition is protected, so that every day and on special occasions there is an exceptional extra virgin olive oil on your table.


Mestr Cosim ‘(maestro Cosimo, as he is called in these parts) has worked in the fields since he was a boy. More than an olive grower, he is a keeper. In his gnarled and expert hands, the wisdom of a timeless oil tradition. We entrust to him the care of what is most dear to us: our plants with their fruits. A trust that is rewarded every year with high-quality harvests and award-winning oils.

A very important part of our production process is the milling: it is carried out cold, in plants certified for the production of organic oil, with the best machinery that technology can offer. A cold pressing makes our oil pure, rich in very important nutrients, genuine.
The perfect oil for those who do not want to compromise on the quality of what they bring to the table, the oil capable of enriching your dishes and releasing unforgettable aromas.

