Terre di Molinara

Terre di Molinara between tradition and innovation.
The “Terre di Molinara” Agricultural Cooperative was born from a business model based on the joint management of the members' lands and their respective crops. The olive sector represents a distinct and autonomous sector from the rest of the activities. Through a rigorous internal organization, we have established the rules for the conferral of olives. Members are granted an economic refund established on the basis of the quality of the contribution through an evaluation system controlled by the cooperative's agronomist.
Terre di Molinara has also found abandoned olive groves and plantations of owners unable to continue the work of breeding and caring for the plants. Our commitment is to continue in the search for further crops also to stem the phenomenon of abandonment and, above all, to make the territory safe from risks due to calamitous phenomena that can compromise the beauty of the landscape and the livability of Molinara.
We have put together the productions of members convinced that this is the only valid path to highlight and make known the characteristics of Ortice di Molinara oil which over the years has had an ever-increasing attention from national research centers and numerous experts in the agri-food sector.
Through a common feeling, attentive to traditions but eager for renewal and innovation, Terre di Molinara has fueled the determination of an entire community eager to preserve a small but interesting production. To the olive growers the task of certifying the origin of the oil and, in the near future, of the other productions from a place, Molinara, a small medieval village that rises among the hills of Fortore in the Alto Sannio Benevento, which still preserves its inviolate nature.
Discover the excellence of TERRE DI MOLINARA


