Olive Oil

Curtimaggi oil is a high quality extra virgin olive oil. Our oil is cold extracted from selected olives and pressed with an accurate and meticulous process.
Fundamental is the filtering phase that guarantees a longer life of the product, which is then stored in a controlled atmosphere.
The quality of the oil is ensured by professional tasters and experts who analyze and ensure high quality and purity indexes. The oil is packaged in dark colored glass bottles with a capacity of 250 ml, 500 ml, 750 ml.
The care and attention to detail reported from the selection of olives to the packaging have made Curtimaggi become an internationally appreciated and awarded oil in the most prestigious competitions.

“Every morning we wake up and look at the twisted trunks, these blackened busts, those hollows between the tree and the ground: they are our olive trees, they are thousands and thousands of years old, but they are always there, strong, powerful, to give us the strength and teach us that despite the thousand difficulties of life we must always find a new energy to go on”
Our history
Purchased in 1960, then officially born Curtimaggi.Francesco D’Urso, current patron, was 8 years old at the time. The beginning was difficult, the progenitor fell ill and the leadership of the company was lost. The twenty hectares, even if they were poor compared to today’s extension, became difficult to manage.Francesco finished his studies. He got his diploma and was called twice by the great steel maker: Italsider, who had wanted him in Genoa to design the mechanical models. And here come a second big turning point: Francesco said no to the fixed place, to the factory. He did not leave his family, he did not leave his land and he dedicated himself, soul and body, to the family business. The olives and harvesting were and still the heart of the activity.
Curtimaggi, however, had no mills and the olive groves owned were few: Francesco then decided to start picking olive trees and used an oil mill in Ostuni. Here, the local regency decided to appoint him president. In these years Francesco bought the first plot, right next to the farm of Curtimaggi. Before that he had invested in a fund near the Galeso river: the olive trees, so praised by the great poets Virgil and Horace, became his. Over the years Francesco continued to invest the proceeds and earnings from the olive harvest and the company grew more and more. Today the company managed about 500 hectares and develops on different branches. Olive groves, arable land and vineyards. The olives, however, remain the large and main sector: over 40 thousand plants scattered on different grounds, at the foot of the Murge, where the air is really good and you can breathe the mountain breeze.
In 2011 a third epochal turning point: the Oil Mill was born. In the fund next to the farm was built a factory for the processing of olives. No entrance “foreigner” or third party:Curtimaggi worked only its own olives following the path of organic extra virgin olive oil. For some years now, the fifth generation had also joined the management: the one that marked the entrance of Rosa and Angelo, sons of Francesco. Currently, their role is twofold: they join the company’s activities with their studies in the faculties of Economics and Agriculture respectively. The goal is not to train and leave their native land: but to contribute to the new business development, following the tradition carved out by the great-great-grandfather, but with the energy and strength of those who have chosen to continue a work that more than just a profession represents a real choice of life.
In the area there are archeological remains in the “Cuevas de Minateda”, and the Tolmo of the same name demonstrates that the area has been inhabited for a long time. There are traces of olive growing over many hundreds of years with the remains of an olive mill in the ruins of the “Tolmo de Minateda,” (1.500 A.C) which have testified to the existence of olive trees since time immemorial.On the west and north the farm is surrounded by Calderones Montes. Both the Sierra de los Donceles as the latter are covered by a dense pine forest between growing the most varied kinds of herbs: rosemary, thyme, lavender, spelled, etc. The trees on the bank of river Mundo, poplars, elms and pines and rice paddies give the landscape an extraordinary beauty.