Oleificio Ponterosso

The oil produced in Saludecio
wins the 1st prize
The 1st Oil in the Region for quality among medium-intense fruitiness .
The Ponterosso oil mill got the better of the competition held in Montegridolfo, placing itself in first place after years of success of the oil mills in the Forlì-Cesena area.

Since 2009 100% Made in Italy extra virgin olive oil In that part of Romagna on the border with the Marche, between the sea and the green hills, stands the Ponterosso oil mill, in the municipality of Saludecio. We are Marco and Luca.We opened our oil mill here in 2009 and we are always here, ready to welcome you to let you taste it before the sale, making you taste not only a high quality product, but also the typical Romagna welcome and the quiet of the our lands. Sit down, grab a slice of bread, taste our varieties of oil (we also have organic oil) and enjoy the peace and quiet, we will make you feel at home.

Quality and technology
Since 2017 the machines have been renewed by adopting the most modern technology. The new machines allow to work continuously and quickly, in order to avoid oxidation of the final product. The plant is completely in stainless steel and equipped with computerized automation.
In the olive processing process, the plant washes and sanitizes in complete autonomy.
From 2021 a further evolution has been added. During processing It is possible to decide whether to produce a medium or light fruity oil . All this takes place at a controlled temperature of 27 degrees. This peculiarity allows to produce a wider range of extra virgin, able to satisfy the tastes of various palates.
Superior quality oil
The mission of Oleificio Ponterosso is to produce extra virgin olive oil of the highest quality, rather than a lot of low quality oil.
The highest quality Italian extra virgin olive oil is composed for about three quarters of oleic acid. In addition it is well known as a relevant source of vitamins and in particular of Vitamin E.
An extra virgin of the highest quality such as Ponterosso oil is rich in polyphenols. These are powerful antioxidants naturally contained in olives. Only an oil mill equipped with cutting-edge technologies is able to extract as many as possible from the olives, obtaining an oil that is truly a source of well-being and health.
These are the reasons why we can speak of our oil as an authentic food that nourishes, prevents and heals.
Health and well-being start from the table.

Quality extra virgin olive
harvested by hand
The olive harvest , in the months of October, November and December, is carried out entirely by 'stripping' by hand, preserving the olive from trauma caused by the fall on the ground, thus remaining intact.
The olives are stored in perforated plastic crates, which allow better ventilation thus avoiding the formation of mold. To obtain a high quality oil, the olives are processed within 12/24 hours of harvesting.
The olives arrived in the mill, before being sent for processing , are carefully cleaned by a special machine from foreign bodies, such as earth, dust, leaves and twigs.
The extraction includes the washing of the olives, the hammering, the kneading and the pressing .
The oil mill of Oleificio Ponterosso works at a controlled temperature of 27 ° , in a continuous cycle, without interruptions between one phase and another, thus optimizing the times for the benefit of the final quality of the oil obtained.
In conclusion, what are the reasons for choosing the oil from the Ponterosso Oil Mill ? Here on our Romagna hills we produce high quality oil, we have the latest generation of new machinery, we have trusted farmers who bring us their olives and which are personally checked by the two of us. There is an automatic cleaning system with high pressure water that makes sure that between one batch of olives and the next everything is always as good as new. In addition, our three types of oil, including organic , are made to meet the needs of all our customers. We have a controlled storage.All the oil is stored in a special certified stainless steel tank before being bottled in single cans, ready for sale. However, these artisanal methods must not be misleading, because every single process is controlled. Just think that our chemical analyzes are very thorough; they are not based on the usual 3 or 4 parameters, but there are even 30 of them. We want to be sure of our quality, both to avoid fraud to the detriment of consumers and to guarantee all of you a high quality oil, guaranteed by Luca and Marco of the Ponterosso Oil Mill. Come and visit us, enjoy a moment of relaxation among our quiet hills, we will offer you a taste of bread and oil , the real, good and intense one, with all the flavors of the past and at the same time with cutting-edge machinery to guarantee you the highest quality. We look forward to seeing you at the Ponterosso Oil Mill, in Saludecio!

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